Modern Slavery Act

We provide regular updates and information on the progress of our Ethical Trade and Environmental Sustainability Programme. We make public statements on certain commitments such as the Modern Slavery Act and share reports detailing the progress we are making in certain areas of our programme. These include how we are working towards particular commitments, and what steps we are taking to address a specific issue. Some reports are written in response to a group’s request for information, whilst others are more regular, such as our annual report to the Ethical Trading Initiative. Primark’s parent company Associated British Food plc (ABF) has an annual Corporate Social Responsibility report which includes information on the latest work of Primark’s Ethical Trade and Environmental Sustainability Team.

The aim of the ‘Modern Slavery Act 2015’ is to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. For businesses, the Act states that any organisation in the UK with a turnover of over £36m is required to publish an annual statement setting out what steps it has taken during its financial year to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its own business and its supply chains.

Primark Stores Limited’s Modern Slavery statements can be downloaded below. The statement covers Primark’s policies and information on how the company addresses risks both within its supply chain and its own operations. The statement will be updated annually, as per the Modern Slavery Act 2015 guidelines.

You can find the annual statements here:

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2021

Modern Slavery Statement 2020

Modern Slavery Statement 2019

Modern Slavery Statement 2018

Modern Slavery Statement 2017

Modern Slavery Statement 2016