Pride Month Partnership with ILGA World
It’s Pride month! We know celebrations won’t be the same this year – but now, more than ever, it’s important we champion conversations around inclusivity and equality.
We continue to be the proud partner of ILGA World, supporting their work as an international advocate for LGBTI rights in over 150 countries. This year, we’re donating over $25,000 to ILGA World, which will be used in their work to advance equality worldwide. Read on to find out more… #PrideMonth
Inclusivity, Equality, and Diversity at ILGA World
ILGA World is the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. It's the world federation of national and local organizations dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people across the globe. It speaks and lobbies on behalf of more than 1,600 member organizations from 164 countries and territories globally in order to drive inclusivity. ILGA World’s mission is to help the LGBTQ+ community by fighting for those who face discrimination on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
Our Pride Month Donation
Last year we donated nearly $190,000 to ILGA World, which they used to support positive change happening all over the world.
Our donation helped ILGA provide direct support and dedicated resources to over 1,600 ILGA World member organizations in more than 160 countries and territories worldwide. It went towards the development and publication of research to support the repeal of discriminatory legislation and the adoption of inclusive laws.
Plus, it helped ILGA World conduct game‐changing communications work across all platforms, addressing both the public and their partners. The donation also supported ILGA World’s hosting of gatherings where members can assess where communities stand, share experiences and best practices, build alliances and partnerships, and collectively chart ways to advance equality worldwide.
LGBTI people around the world are facing particular difficulties in these COVID‐19 times, in addition to the struggle experienced by the whole planet. ILGA World is seeing an increase of violence against LGBTI youth, who may be forced into lockdown in hostile families and environments. LGBTI people have been scapegoated by some extremist politicians and religious leaders – even accused of having caused the pandemic – and are consequently being targeted online or shunned and attacked. In some countries, LGBTI shelters have been specifically targeted by police under the pretense of COVID‐19 quarantine rules, and transphobic laws have been passed by governments while their populations look the other way. LGBTI rights organizations, like many others, are losing staff and funding as world economies suffer in the aftermath of global shutdowns.
While coping with all this, LGBTI organizations like ILGA World have continued to support their communities all over the world, especially the most marginalized: both providing immediate relief and making sure their voices are not forgotten. They have been calling for transformative action to heal societies from any form of discrimination – not only on the basis of people’s bodies, identities and loves, but also of their race, gender, economic status, immigration status, religion, age, and many more. This is as urgent as ever, as the episodes of racial injustice of the past few days have shown us once again. Their work is vital, and needs to continue.
Donate For Pride Month
This Pride, support ILGA World and the LGBTQ+ community by making a personal donation.