Make Your Own DIY Face Mask
Covid masks are the new accessory must-have. Not only do they help combat the spread of diseases, they can also add a touch of colour and style to our outfits, just like other accessories do! But why buy them, when you can just make your own at home by upcycling old clothes?
Whether you’re looking to create a simple mask or want to learn how to sew like a pro - by making your own DIY face mask, you’ll be able to match it to your fav outfit or use leftover fabric to create your own co-ord hair scrunchie, and more!
Wondering how to make a face mask? Here’s how you can create your own sustainable fashion covid mask with our four step-by-step guide:
Upcycling Socks: The No Sew Mask
Difficulty level: Easy
You’ll need:
● A sock
● Scissors
● A ruler
● A filter
Step 1
Cut off both ends of the sock and then cut halfway down both sides, approximately 2cm in from the edge. Twist the sock so that both holes become centred.
Step 2
Place your filter between the sock’s two layers and voila!
Upcycling Clothes: The No Sew T-shirt Mask
Difficulty level: Easy
You’ll need:
● An unwanted t-shirt
● Scissors
● A ruler
● A filter
Step 1
Cut off one sleeve of the t-shirt following the curved line of the shoulder, cutting both the front and back. Then, cut a 2cm wide strip off of the bottom of the t-shirt, cutting both the front and back before cutting the strip and one end so it doubles in length forming one long strand.
Step 2
Twist the cut-off sleeve until the curved seam is centred (this is where your nose will go!) and fold in the edges of the sleeve by approximately 1cm
Step 3
Work your way down the sleeves making small cuts into the folded fabric at 2cm intervals. Then take one end of the long strip of fabric and weave it into the cut-outs on the left. Take the other end and do the same on the right.
Step 4
Place your filter between the sleeves two layers. Wrap the fabric around your mouth and pull the two strands to tighten. Tie securely and your covid mask is complete.
The Pleated DIY Face Mask
Difficulty level: Intermediate
You’ll need:
● Fabric of your choice
● Scissors
● A ruler
● Pen and paper
● An iron
● Sewing machine or sewing needle
● Pins
● Elastic or ribbons
● A filter
Step 1
Trace out a piece of paper measuring 19cm x 24cm and use it as a template to cut out your chosen fabric. Create another template measuring 13cm x 18cm and use this to cut out two pieces of lining fabric.
Step 2
Create a 1cm fold on the width of each piece lining fabric and press with the iron to hold before sewing in place.
Step 3
Place your chosen fabric face up and place your lining fabric on top facing with the 1cm turn up towards the centre. Repeat with the second piece of lining so that the two pieces are overlapping. Sew your main fabric and lining fabric together allowing a 1cm seam.
Step 4
Use the iron to press the seams, bringing the lining fabric to the back so that the right side of the fabric becomes visible. Then, starting at the top, begin creating pleats by taking 3cm of fabric, pinching and folding and securing with pins. Once done, iron in place and sew to secure, be sure to sew both the fabric and the lining. Hide raw edges by creating 1cm seams on each side.
Step 5
Take your elastic or equivalent and thread it through the side seams, knot in place and hide the knots by twisting until they fit into the seam. The best masks for coronavirus are fitted with filters inside, so don’t forget to place yours in before using!
The Hair Tie Fashion Covid Mask
Difficulty level: Hard
You’ll need:
● Fabric of your choice
● Scissors
● A ruler
● Pen and paper
● An iron
● Sewing machine or sewing needle and thread
● Pins
Step 1
Create a paper pattern by downloading and following our guide
Step 2
Double fold your fabric and use your paper pattern to cut out the same shapes, you should be left with four fabric pieces
Step 3
Place one piece of your fabric right side up and layer another on top facing the wrong side up, pin along the curved edge and sew to secure and repeat with two further pieces. Use an iron to press out seams
Step 4
Lay one piece of fabric right side up and then place the other directly on top with the wrong side facing up. Pin along the curved edge and sew to secure. You should now have two side openings. Turn the fabric in on itself so that the right side is facing outwards.
Step 5
Cut a piece of spare fabric to measure approx. 60cm x 10cm, fold in half with the wrong side facing outwards. Pin and sew the length leaving a 1cm seam allowance allowing you to turn the fabric the right side out.
Step 6
Take the open seam from your hair tie and place it inside the open seam from your covid mask, fold and press with an iron before pinning and sewing. Tidy edges by sewing around them, then your mask and matching hair tie are ready to wear.