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Primark | Covid Safe Photoshoot Ideas

Looking for covid safe photoshoot ideas? Get inspo from our social distanced shoot and see how we’re adapting to this new normal.

COVID-19 Safe Photoshoot Ideas

Read below to learn important social distancing rules that we followed to stay safe during our latest campaign photoshoot. Our creative team usually meets up to plan photoshoots, but this one was organized totally by video calls! Not only is it covid safe, but also environmentally friendly.

All the Primark clothes samples you see in the campaign were quarantined for 72 hours before the day. And while the stylist would usually dress the models, this time the models dressed themselves (they even got to keep the clothes they wore)!

Face masks are now an essential part of our everyday life and if you need to stock up, we have plenty of styles and fabrics to choose from. Stay home, stay safe, and stay positive!

Back-To-School Clothes from Primark

All production team members, from the photographer to the makeup artist, were given protective masks, PPE, and safety briefings to ensure proper usage of equipment. For the entire day, they followed social distancing rules with the child models.

Thinking of your own little stars? Everyone needs new back-to-school shirts. With our Primark schoolclothes and shoes, you can relax knowing your littles will have everything they need for their first days back.

Of course hand santizer was on hand for all. Like to know more about how we’re keeping you safe in store as we welcome back customers? Sanitizer is also going to be available everywhere and strong social distancing measures are in place so you can shop with peace of mind.

Scroll to see behind the scenes pics of the team on the day…

Collage of pictures from the day of people on set wearing masks